Sunday, 13 May 2012

The Fourth Stage of Mending a Broken Heart

STAGE FOUR: Depression Stage

Signs and symptoms: The state of being brokenhearted has now come to its peak. You will be like a walking zombie. There will be dark circles around your eyes, large eye bags and sleepy eyes, pale lips, limp extremities and soulless body. You are always caught staring blankly at the walls and once you have a picture of him in your mind, more so if he’s in front of you, for sure you’ll have a tunnel vision. You can’t see anything at your peripheries, but him. The words of your tongue always speak of him; you are preoccupied by his memories and eaten up by the fact that you’re out of his life. Indisputably, you failed in your effort to cope up in your bargaining stage on your way out of being brokenhearted. This time, you only see the gloomy side of everything. You think that your effort in having him back in your life was useless. But, if you are at the right state of mind, you will realize that it is not futile at all. If you did not take chances, you will not know the outcome. All of these things are brought about being brokenhearted, but, then again, you've experience every misery for a reason.

You pity yourself for what is happening to you. You feel that you’re the center of the universe and that everyone and everything are against you. You think that the world is so focused on you alone; in making your life miserable. You begin to perceive yourself as so different from other people; that you’re despondent and they are not; that you’re alone and they’re together with their loved ones. You will have these feelings until you take him out as the center of your life. Your perception of the world revolves just around you all because you are brokenhearted. 

You are not comfortable in the crowd. You prefer staying alone in your dark room and feel the sympathy of silence, gloomy night and mellow music. You love the sensation of tears as they gush out of your tear ducts and pour the unending sentiment of salty encumbrance. Crying becomes your detachable compulsion.

Slowly, you begin to ruin your life. Your grades start to fall down since you cannot focus on your work. Your social life becomes feeble as you isolate yourself from the outside world. Your health begins to deteriorate as your nutritional needs are not met and your sense of responsibility vanishes with the wind.
Sooner you’ll have chronic depression and you’ll be asked to take some drugs. Worse, you’ll be admitted to a psychiatric hospital as your symptoms worsen and your chance for recovery is only by the hands of the psychiatrists. You’ll have suicidal ideations. You’ll think of different ways to terminate your life in the way most convenient and accessible for you. Again, all of these is because you are brokenhearted. Just imagine the destructive things that you can do to yourself while staying in this status and while having the brokenhearted's point of view all the time. 

Are you going to wait for this moment for you to acknowledge the truth? It hurts but you must bear in mind for always, that in this life nothing is meant forever. Nights become mornings, seasons change, leaves die and hearts will break. This is the creed of life. You have no choice but to live with it and take its flow.

How to cope: More than anything, acknowledge that depression is a state of mind. It is more of what you think than what you do. When you’ll accept that fact and keep it in your heart, for sure you are a step closer to full recovery from being brokenhearted.

The same as with the denial stage, diversion is one of the keys towards fighting depression. You must deflect your attention towards anything, except him. Like in any stage, it will not be easy. Yet the rewards are worth it. So, just follow your instinct. Proceed and don’t even hesitate.

As what a friend of mine and a nursing student said, “In times like this, I go out and breathe fresh air; reflect on what has happened in my life and what are still to transpire. I go to mass everyday and pray for God’s healing grace. Despite of all the pains that  I've been through, I still believe that He has a reason for all of these. I believe He knows best. As we say it in our prayer, “Your will be done.” So be it. Eventually, I was able to move on and forget him.”

When you've started to direct your mind, your energy and your heart to other things; you begin to be engrossed about it. Before you know it, he’s not in your thoughts already. A day would pass without you being bothered by memories of him. Well, that is definitely an excellent sign of healing. A sign that you are a step closer to complete healing from being brokenhearted.Your wound had already formed a scab. Eventually, it will just be a scar---a marker that some time in your life you were able to love, be hurt and move on.

Moreover, you can undergo a total make-over with the best hair stylist and fashion experts in town. Then, full of confidence and energy, you can ramp your way forward. Take it from a fashionista friend of mine who gave herself a head-to-toe transformation. After some time, her crush became her boyfriend. They had been together for six years now and still going strong.

Likewise, now is the best time for you to gather enough strength that will radiate from within. More than ever, now is the moment to think of your blessings and be thankful of it. Be aware that in this world, you are not the only person who experiences the same agony that you have at this point of time. Be inspired with the survival stories of the people who had been in your situation, who had been brokenhearted and made it a life-transforming event. Believe that you can overcome this crucial stage of your healing. Acknowledge your weaknesses, but bear in mind that your power is more than enough to compensate for them. But above all, trust that prayer is still the best tool in your quest towards complete recovery.

In addition, an AB Psychology Professor said, “Recall that in Chinese, the word for "crisis" is also the same as the word for "opportunity." Endings, however they come about, are also new beginnings. Each night, before going to sleep, let your mind tiptoe back through your day and find at least three good things that happened to you today. It maybe as simple as a child smiling at you, seeing a rainbow, hearing a cuckoo or some tune that you love on the radio. Write them down. If you compile these "magic moments" in a notebook that you keep by your bed, in a year you'll have a thousand great memories! And as you keep reaching for these positives, you'll find your life - including your love life - will improve, slowly at first, then faster and faster - as if by magic! This is the best mechanism I know for how to cope with heartbreak! Remember, the greatest revenge is massive success - and when it comes to coping with heartbreak, that success is defined as your personal happiness."

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